Sunday, June 28, 2015


Hi, my friends usually call me Tom.  I'm a husband to a loving wife, have 2 sons and daughter, and am currently trying to add to the litter.  I work as a welder for company called Progress Rail, the jest of it is I help manufacture locomotives.  In my free time I like to have a good time, play a little Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm or Mario Kart , have a fire and some craft beer, enjoy a good movie, especially "The Wars", and obviously go out and pound some dirt with others and suffer for miles!  The latter is probably where most of the people who may be reading this know me from, and most of you know of me because I'm a kilt runner.

Why do I run in the kilt or skirt, as some of you like to joke about, but it's not funny!  I'm just kidding, if you really know me I love to laugh.  Hell here is a pic of me carrying on with some of friends on my race team Ragnarok at the New Castle Mini Marathon.
There are a few reasons why I rock the kilt, first one I have for you is that I have a Scottish heritage, easy enough reason.  The second being, I have always been one to draw attention and honestly on't care if I am or not, but I do enjoy a good shocked face from time to time lol.  The next reason, I came across Sport Kilt randomly and said why not, tried it on, and loved it better than the running shorts I have been wearing for the last 20 something years.

Next question!?!?!  Oh the war paint.  Yes, well it is an ancient tradition of the Scotts, as most of you may recall from Braveheart, which I get called quite often, his name is
William Wallace by the way lol.  The simple side of it is, it was a color that was easily made, it was their warrior tradition and I consider every race a battle, no matter how long.  It is not only a battle with the ones you race with, but with yourself. 

Now for the real question why you may be reading this, why did I create this stinking blog, that is most likely clogging up your news feed.  I am often asked what do I do for training, how do I eat, how should I start training myself, what beer do you like lol.  Those questions and more will be answered in due time.  Also, you will be able to comment on my blog, so at anytime you do have a question you would like to ask me go ahead and post, I will check often.  On that note, I do want to state I am no way a trained professional on diets, athletic training, or anything of the sort, but I have been around the block so I can at least share my experiences and may be a few people in the world can learn from mistakes.

So that is the intro, if you would like to know more, just ask and I will see if I can answer.

Now to get into the training program for this week I guess, now I am at a weird spot in training, I have been in a high mileage period, but I am starting to taper towards a 24 hour race in Lisle, IL.  Christmas in July 24 Hour it will be by far my farthest race ever, but I am going to have to hit 100 miles so I can get my first belt buckle!  So next week is my 75% taper week.

Monday - 1.5 hour run
Tuesday - 1.5 hour run
Wednesday - 45 minute fartlek, 5 minute warm up, 5 minutes on, 3 minutes off
Thursday - 1.5 hour run
Friday 1.5 hour run
Saturday 1.5 hour run
Sunday 1.5 hour run

I will say that I don't always stick to my schedule, life is life and sometimes it tells us we can't run.  I am the type to just stick to my schedule, if I miss a workout because my child needs me, then so be it.  Chalk it up as a needed rest day, and don't look back.

Well that is all for this week, follow me on G+, Instagram, Facebook, Runkeeper and Athlinks to keep up if you are interested.  Next week should be a review of race I did a few weeks ago!

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